abu dhabi – firenze

Progetti sostenibili per le città del domani

Si terrà nei giorni 15 e 16 marzo una mostra in Abu Dhabi presso la Facoltà di Architettura ed Ingegneria di Alhosn. Verranno esposti  elaborati di  tesi di laurea in architettura aventi per tema la progettazione sostenibile per il Medioriente. La mostra delle tesi, realizzate presso l’Università di Firenze e l’Università di Alhosn, rappresenta un primo passo significativo per prossimi  interessanti sviluppi. In futuro, verranno organizzate  attività di ricerca e didattica congiunte, applicate al design innovativo e di controllo energetico. Inoltre, all’interno della mostra i visitatori potranno interagire con modelli tridimensionali navigabili in realtà aumentata.

La giornata inaugurale verrà introdotta da una conferenza sui nuovi temi emergenti dell’architettura sostenibile nel Medioriente con la partecipazione di:


Prof. Arch. Mohamad Kashef
Prof. Arch. Marco Sala
Ing.Salma Badr Aboul – Ela


Dubbed as the next industrial revolution, nanotechnology has become indispensable for a variety of industrial processes and manufactured goods,which range from sports equipment electronics,automative and home / garden products, to serious  applications in the construction industry. Nanotechonology is also rapidly penetrating the medical field with high hopes foe new vaccines,medical devices and cures for chronic and dangerous diseases.This lecture,however, focuses entirely on the applications of nanotechnology in the building industry. Nanotechnology holds a promise and creates great opportunities for advancing sustainable design,construction systems, and building materials.The world demand for improved building performance and energy efficiency has brought nanotechnology to varoius construction applications such as coating, road pavement,cement and concrete products as well as high-strength, light weight reinforcing composites.The lecture alludes to the environmental implications of using nanobased building materilas and examines the current technological of commercial challenges that hinder the wide-spread application of nano-based materials and systems in the building industry.

Mohamad Kashef  PhD,OAA

Dean of Research and Graduate Studies

Chair of Architectural Engineering

Associate Professor - Faculty of Engineering

A sustainable architectural design show in  the UAE. The cooperation between the University of ALHOSN in Dubai and University of Florence in Italy presents here an international conference and  the exhibition of selected  thesis on  sustainable architecture for the Gulf.The aim of this initiative is to stimulate students, architects and developers in both countries toward sustainable design approach.The  two Universities plan to develop in the future a cooperation in research and teaching activities applied to innovative design and energy control as strategy for a better and safe environment.


Prof. Arch. Marco  Sala

Professor of architectural technology

Director of the Interuniversity Research Center “ABITA”

Responsible  Scientific project “ABITARE MEDITERRANEO”


INDIRIZZO  Airport Road cross Delma Street , Abu Dhabi


INFO           Dott. Arch. Riccardo Bertelli 

ORARIO       10 -17 Ingresso libero


25 Febbraio 2014 (Archiviata)



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