Research Scientific JournalsRestauro Archeologico
Restauro Archeologico
During the academic years 2000-2001, research groups from the universities of Florence, Naples and Turin established a research project of Archaeological Research (conservation and maintenance of ruined buildings) within the framework of research programmes of national interest, which in turn was a development of a previous project initiated in the years 1984-1987, when research groups from the universities of Bologna, Florence, Naples and Urbino had begun a research programme on the definition of “archaeological restoration, involving preliminary studies and research, as well as application in selected areas. The results promoted in the following years further research programmes which allowed for the gathering of a large corpus of archival and bibliographic material, and for the production of specific diagnostic surveys which, also fostered by field work, suggested new directions for research |
RA Archaeological Restoration The knowledge, conservation, and valorization of all endangered, neglected, or ruined architectural structures.
University of Florence Director: Saverio Mecca Year of publication: 2015 pages: 132 format:17x23
Issue 2/2014 of «Restauro Archeologico», through its publication of contributions concerning both Italian and foreign sites, confirms the determination of the review to give a voice to the complex world of archaeological restoration in all its wide and varied meanings.
The review focuses particularly on conservation issues related to the characteristics of the local materials used and the different environmental and social conditions in the various countries in question.
All articles underline the importance of the contributions made by different disciplines to the conservation process: from knowledge to valorization policies.
ISSN: 1724-9686 |